Hello, I just wanted to point out a thing about my reading lists. I read over 850+ book, many in which I don't remember. I have only just started with organising the books, as well as have a list for the book I didn't like. Before, if there was a book I didn't like I would just stop reading it and put it with all the other book. 

So I just want to apologise beforehand if there is a book that romanticise abuse, toxicity, cheating, human trafficking, pedophilia and other thing that may appear I the book, that aren't right.

And I want to apologise as well if there is a book under the wrong category. As I said before, I have only just started organising the book based of 'tropes' or what they are about. And when organising book that I don't remember I just looked at the tags.

Have a good reading😁/E
  • JoinedMarch 23, 2021