hey hi hello, today is the sad day of 9/11. but theirs no reason or excuse to be islamphobic on this day. for me ever since i started school I’ve been bullied and harassed for being muslim let alone a hijabi muslim. as im typing this my anxiety is really bad so sorry for some spelling errors. ive been trying to open up on the islamphoba ive received, such as getting my hijab pulled in class. but i dont really like talking about it because it gives me bad trauma. all im trying to say is that im not a threat nor a terrorist. im just a normal 13 year girl who lives in maine. my skin, the shade of my skin or my religion does not change that face that im a human too. while we are on the topic of muslims, muslims in china are being raped, eaten alive, starve to death, for bidden to pray, fed pig + more. and i don’t see a lot of people speaking up about this..... pls pls pls sign petitions to help them out, while you are at it sign petitions for blm and black trans lives matter. ty and have a amazing day or night- zahra <3