Republished hubris. It's one of the books that I'm not completely embarrassed by. Might pick it up again


Hey, everyone! This is Alan! How are you doing, my lovelies? I hope you're all holding up alright amongst this mayhem. I'm doing fine, life has been interesting and I'll tell you all about it when I have the time.
          But for now I have to let you all know a very important notice. My email has just gotten hacked, I believe. It has been registered under a different number when I checked and I had tried everything to get it back. Nothing seems to be working and I guess it's time for me to accept that I'm not getting this account back.
          I am absolutely devastated and had spent last night crying over this, the thought of losing my precious friends and readers that I've met during these couple years is kinda upsetting tbh lol. Not to say that we're not friends anymore, it's just that the memories will be different than here.
          I'm trying to stay calm and be rational about this but I can't help but wonder what are the odds that the moment I decide to start writing on this account again, I can't lmao it's almost laughable.
          It also pains me to say that all my drafts and unpublished books are officially gone. It was pretty dumb of me to not make another copy of the stories somewhere else but well, it happened.


With that being said, I will definitely be opening another account soon and start over. I guess this is where I ask you guys a favour as a friend -- if not, just a fellow author in need of help.
            It would be a huge help to have you spread the word that I'm 'moving' to another account. 
            Obviously, the books in this account will still be accessible since there's nothing I can do but if there are any books that you would like to see the continuation of, feel free to let me know there!


hey ya'll this is zach, remember me? I'm alan's friend and alan's account got hacked unfortunately. she recently lost one of her phone (most likely stolen) and thinks that her email might've gotten infiltrated. yknow what imma just let her do the explaining. bear in mind the next comment or replies will be alan herself, since im not using this account anymore. warning; she's extremely pissed off lmao


Seeing people continueing to send me support and love even though i might not come back is so wholesome... i truly have nothing to say hut thank you. I love you all and i appreciate every single one of you sweethearts ❤️❤️