
Thanks so much for following! Love the zombie pic. In gen it seems like we have a shared love for fantasy and you live in NZ?...I LOVED NZ! Hehe.See that you are newer to the site. Welcome to Wattpad! :-)


@stpolishook I'm not actually too sure how long these ones will be. I'm not working on Haaseri because I'm not sure how to proceed, and I'm barely working on Goblin Fortress either! But I have been on the forums a bit asking about my writing, have been getting some great advice.
            I wrote a novel before I found Wattpad and just got a manuscript assessment back, so that's taking up all my writing time right now. I'm definitely going to write the next one on here though, could have had feedback the whole time! So once that is out of the way I'm going to really invest in my stories on here :D 
            And others of course! I haven't been reading much, but there are a lot of good looking stories on here. I just need to work on giving feedback.
            Are you finding that you're making a lot of changes on your second draft? I've had to make some pretty major ones in mine that I wasn't expecting. New chapters and plot hole plugs like you, but even rewriting sections from different viewpoints and new plotlines! Do you make most of your changes based on feedback you get on here?


@BAIllston Yeah exactly. From the beautiful farmlands to the hiking trails up mountains, to the beaches and IS fantasy wilderness everywhere ( along with glaciers and more tropical looking beaches in the north;-)). And LOL yeah its easier to see more of another country than natives. I know i have seen VERY little of the US;-) hehe. I would def come back to NZ. The people were just awesome too. So nice!
            Yeah the comments on stories are great( both being able to give and receive them). I like votes of course, but its amazing to have comments and get actual feedback and interact with readers. Im hoping to publish this traditionally one day and thus value ALL feedback. Good, bad, indifferent. Its just nice to get diverse opinions from people all around the word. 
            I love the people on here as well. The international aspect really appeals to me ( i have traveled a lot and really value being able to interact with people from different places, backgrounds, ages, genders. etc. ;-)). Its also just nice to talk to other writers!
            How far am I through the book? A little more than half way ( length wise). The book is actually already written. This is the 2nd real complete draft. Since the book is quite long( def fits the "epic" category in length) it takes awhile to get through a full draft but with this one i really wanted to fix a lot of stuff i hadn't before. There are some new chapter additions, plot holes fixed ( hopefully). It is my goal to have this be the second to last draft ( it will prob get one final intense edit to cut down more).
             I release a chapter ( sometimes more) a week. Towards the end of the book i hope to get out 2-3 a week. The end is prob the most polished so that feels reasonable to me.
            So i see you are posting two stories. Are they works in progress? Both seem up my ally concept wise. I saw you said you write short stories and novels in your bio. Are these longer or shorter works?


@stpolishook Woah, you must have seen more of my country than I have! I live in Wellington currently, but grew up in rural areas and I know what you mean, it's like fantasy wilderness around every other corner.
            I do like being able to comment on stories, this site seems to have a pretty good community :) About how far through your book do you think you are?