just    relax   your   face   yeah   ?


@photosupr  /
            Whaaat ?  Pfff ,  I’m not stressed out  —  I’m fine !  Really ,  it’s …  Yeah ,  it’s nothing !   * Elliott exhaled a light puff of air as he dropped his shoulders down ,  running a hand through his curls before adjusting the goggles upon his forehead .  He really was a terrible liar .  Always has been ,  always will be . *   Ehhhh ,  okay ,  maybe it’s a little bit of both …  but it’s okay !  I’m fine ,  don’t worry about me .  What are you looking for next ?  Collected ,  suave ,  action … ?  I like to think I have a range !


             ✩      yes,   i’m    very    sure    eli.    just    [   relax   ]   you’re     doing    just    fine    !       you    look   good,    what’s      got     you    so    stressed    out   @BAMBOOZLING     ?         the    games   ?     or    is    it    something    else     ⠀༉         
                         they    question,    hues    watch   the    male   through   the   camera    with  a     curious   gaze,    taking   a    picture   shortly    after .    placing   a    thumb   up    in   response 


@photosupr  /
            / Relax /  my face ?  Are you sure ?  …  Actually ,  don’t answer that ,  it’s a rato – …  rhetric – ,  uhh …  It’s a question that wasn’t meant to be answered .  You’re the artist ,  after all !   * With that ,  the legend relaxed his expression to the best of his abilities ,  trying to rid his mind of any thoughts that might cause him to break such an intense focus . *   This good ?


you have a wound félagi fighter, come.


            / please that is so pure-
            Being a man deprived of any affection at all, whether it be platonic or not, their words and physical signs of thanks seemed to make his eyes light up a little bit. Dammit, how does he respond to /that/? Elliott absentmindedly gave their hand a light squeeze after they took hold of his as his mind scrambled to come up with some sort of a response to what they'd said. It wasn't until seconds later that he realized he'd begun to squeeze their hand that he stopped, pulling his own away while his smile became that of a more shy one. It was becoming increasingly more clear as time went on that he wasn't used to this /at all/, causing him to even open and close his mouth a few times as he thought of what to say in response. He wanted to say something endearing in return, but his brain couldn't quite form such sentences in this moment.
            Say something, Witt, you're gonna make it awkward...
            "O-Oh, uhhh, thanks," he finally managed to get out, pulling his hand back with a little hesitancy. "It, ah... It was nothing, really! I've just never heard you laugh before, soooooo when I hear something I like, I'll say it!" The man rose up to his feet when they prompted that they should start going, stretching his legs just a tiny bit as he did so. "Sorry, I dunno what you just said, but I hope it was a good thing... But yeah, c'mon, let's go!"
            And per usual, the self-hyping began. 
            "I'll be fine, don't you worry 'bout me. I'm always fine, right? Good ol' dependable Mirage, who absolutely rocks the Games. A little wound won't hurt me!"


ਏਓ    bh said that this moment will be close to their heart btw !


〳     MIRAGE  ⎯⎯   THOUGH IT’S SMALL GESTURE,   the hunter feels a warmth reside within their chest at the nickname “ TREASURE  “     A HAND PLACES UPON ELLIOT’S KNEE,    a sign of thanks.    and with that they offer a hand to the other.      taking their gloved hands with his,    glancing over the wound ONCE MORE.    the smile against their face was undeniable now. 
              ❝            WITT   [    …    ]      YOU WORDS ME A LOT TO ME.     for i will remember them for the end of time.     i didn’t expect you to enjoy hearing such from ME.   although i’m QUITE PLEASED,    i wish for a quick healing upon your wound.    þessi stund mun verða hjarta mínu kær.     now let’s go    &͟&͟ ︎      @BAMBOOZLING


❛     do  you  always  give  such  compliments  to  people   ..    or  am  i  special   ?     ❜     bloodhound  leans  their  chin  on  a  gloved  hand   ,    goggles  the  only  thing  obscuring  their  face   ,    so  the  smile  on  their  chapped  and  scarred  lips  is  clear   .


            Now, Bloodhound could've totally just swore at him in the worst possible way in their language, but it came across so soft and poetic and- Gosh he just loved their language and the way it sounded. He could never pronounce anything from their native tongue, but he knew Bloodhound could make it sound way more poetic than he ever could. 
            Thankfully, the blush on his cheeks couldn't reflect just how fast his heart was racing and how harshly it was thumping against his chest in this very moment. They'd kissed in the past, so this wasn't anything new by any means, but he didn't think he'd ever get totally used to it. Besides, wouldn't it be bad if their kisses /didn't/ get his heart racing? 
            The man broke the kiss for only a moment, pulling back only an inch or so, though it wasn't to breathe. Instead, it was to speak. "I have absolutely no clue what you said, but have I mentioned how much I /love/ when you say things in your language?" 
            / omg no worries !! happens to me quite often, dw !! originally they just didn't have their mask on but their goggles were on. sorry if this sounds like detail picking, I promise I don't mean for it to come across like that :((


a  light  chuckle   ,    their  eyes  slipping  shut  for  a  moment  as  they  laugh   .     ❛     you  are  funny   ,    dear   .    the  allfather  shall  not  be  giving  messages  to  other  gods   .    even  his  wife   .    but  i  can  show  you  how  to  offer  things  to  the  gods   ,    if  you  so  desire   .     ❜     the  scars  on  their  face  felt  like  they  weren't  there  when  he  was  with  them   ,    he  didn't  judge  them   .    he  even  would  kiss  them   ..    the  only  one  since  boone   .    but  just  after  that   ,    they  lean  forward  to  properly  kiss  him   ,    gloved  hands  going  to  his  cheeks  to  hold  him  in  place   .     ❛     minn  hjarta  ir  yðvarr   .     ❜     they  whisper  against  his  lips   ,    before  going  in  to  capture  his  lips  in  another  kiss   .
            /         BYE  i'm  dumb        we  can  just  say  they  didn't  have  one  on  at  all


            "I don't really know how to thank her, so like, I dunno... Maybe your god can pass on a message?" Oh boy, he could feel his cheeks heating up by the second the longer they spoke. Sometimes they just held such an odd power over him --- mostly in situations like this --- but he wasn't complaining in the slightest; it just gave him motivation to try and one-up them on the flirting, but it was hard when literally anything that came out of their mouth sounded absolutely poetic, whereas anything that came out of Elliott's mouth was usually a warbled mess of mispronunciation of large words, inability to find the right words, etc. 
            The kiss to his lips only made the blush in his cheeks quite concrete, and he hardly had time to kiss them back before they'd pulled away! Dammit, as if his tongue weren't already tied. "...Okay, fine, maybe the score's one-to-one on the whole blush-y thing now," he admitted, voice a little softer this time around. "How about we compra- comper... come to an agreement on the fact that you think I'm really attractive, aaaaaand I think you're more attractive than me! There, problem solved, we're both attractive." Surprise: he stole a kiss right back, though it was more of a quick peck to the lips. Their lips might be dry and crackly, but he thought they felt just right on his.
            / they didn't have their mask on in the beginning btw, just a lil heads up on that detail, but we can definitely pretend that they did just for rp sake !!