Hey guys~~
It is I, your Chantzie, and I have some pretty big news. For those of you that have been paying attention for the past month or so, I've been saying that I'm starting college and I am. Tomorrow. I will be going on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, studying on Tuesdays and Thursdays and weekends are for work.
As I always promise, my free time will be spent writing and I will do my best for you. Updates, as slow as they already may be, will probably continue at this rate as I'll have, hopefully, more time to write since I don't work everyday.
If you have any questions, just shoot me a private message, post on my message board, or even ask it in the comment section of my stories. Just ask if you have anything you want to know.
I love you all and I'm still writing for you, I have not forsaken you my lovely Second Chantzes. Please, continue to anticipate my update and support me as you always do.