Just a reminder: you're all beautiful. Thank you so much to all of you. For now, this account is inactive, most of us will assume our positions on our own accounts and hunker back into the roles Zane had once occupied. But because of your help, we will be able to tackle it and we will prosper, as we are all still here, and our friendships are stronger than ever. All because of y'all. And we want you all to know that we are so damn grateful. Of the messages, the coping advice, the warmth. Because if it wasn't for you, well, I'm sure it's safe to say that, we wouldn't be here speaking. So... yeah. We love you all. So much. Don't be strangers, message us if you want. :) From the gang, Theory (shai), Cupcake (Mikey) and Ghost (Charlie)
You are all loved. Every single one of you. Zane Baxer has taken his life but that does not mean that he would ever want anyone else doing so. In memory of Zane Baxer this account will be actively monitered for a month from January 14th and will be almost completely unactive afterwards. If you have any questions or are feeling sad, abused, alone, misunderstood or stressed with everything, I will make it my mission to try and help you and provide a friend/shoulder to lean on. Maes-Hughes-Ghost, Theory-Rift and LikeableCupcake are our real accounts if you would like to speak to us after the deadline. Remember! You are amazing. You are cared for. And you are beautiful. And as Zane always said, Much love Grillby-fam! Much love <3
Hey, long time no talk
@SansbyLover I'm so sorry to say that it was, and he would have loved to have gotten back to you faster. Thank you for commenting and following this account.
Only now realised that the place I'm staying is like them apocalyptic towns of survivors! Will post photos!
Picture story probably coming up. Stay tuned. Maybe.
I'm back? Yes dearest friends, to answer your questions; I'm back. Fully invested in this account, though? Not yet, but I'm getting there, and I might post a book! I don't know yet, but this is truly some FUN stuff!
To all my beautiful role players and to those who take time out of their own lives to talk with me via p.m; I am truly sorry that I have been absent for so long. And although I have a reason, I know it is only another excuse. And I'm a person who has grown to envy excuses. But although I am truly grateful to you all for messaging me, there's no way that I can keep up with role-playing without knowing that I'm letting people down because I don't have the time to reply. I am really am sorry guys.
@TheGuardianOfWishes Thank you for commenting on this account. Although I could not find you conversation in chat, I am happy that I have found you here. Stay beautiful, and thank your for your contribution to this young man's life.
How are you doing my beautiful man!?
There, Now wattpad has decided to let me follow back!
@ERROR__SANS___ Thank you for your devotion to this account and the friendship that blossomed between you and Zane. He cherished you as a friend as best he could before his downfall. Thank you, and stay beautiful, friend.
@ERROR__SANS___ Thank you for commenting on this account. Your friendship was cherished and treasured by Zane. You are amazing.