
Yo! So... Im not dead? I've had school as a priority of mine and write for fun.. Also I'm sadly an American and female. So yeah. There's that... But I was wondering if I should start writing again? Or post drafts? What would y'all think?


Yo! So... Im not dead? I've had school as a priority of mine and write for fun.. Also I'm sadly an American and female. So yeah. There's that... But I was wondering if I should start writing again? Or post drafts? What would y'all think?


I have a new story, that I haven't published yet, and while the first chapter is 549 words, and finished, while the second chapter is 1,417 words and not yet done. My fingers hurt . And j need encouragement to write this and other stories I have, example my twst stories.


When is the next update scheduled for your 'yandere twst x fem harry reader's gonna be updated?


@azulashengrottoo it's fine do what your comfortable with I was just curious


@azulashengrottoo I don't really have schedules, and do have other things going on in life and write/update when I have time. So maybe soon or a little later. Sorry, but I can try to make a chapter sooner rather then later, no idea about finishing and posting though, sorry but I never said I'd be on point consistent. Though I'll see what I can do.