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A garden does not grow with a single flower. A rose, in all its beauty and grace, is infinitely more beautiful in a bouquet. The Rose Gold Community strives to include any and all flowers who are willing to join to create a harmonious meadow of love, light, and laughter. Bask in the golden glow of the cascading sunlight, and reach your leaves to the sky with our flourishing community. We radiate life, loyalty, friends, goals, and positivity, encompassing all in our values and spreading them to the world. 
          Everyone possesses latent power and uniqueness. We encourage everyone to reach their full potential, no matter who you are or where you come from. So as long as you have the heart, passion, and dedication, the Rose Gold Community welcomes you with open arms, and a brilliant array of flora for all to enjoy!
          We are urgently hiring for the following roles:
          ✿ Account Raters
          ✿ Bio Designers
          ✿ Carrd Designers
          ✿ Editors
          ✿ Idea Creators
          ✿ Judges
          ✿ Promoters
          ✿ Readers
          ✿ Watchers


If he was asked about his life, young Marcus Anderson would probably see it as an "exciting rollercoaster ride," full of fun while it lasts, but it came to a complete stop when Ellie Miller, his childhood friend, had to leave him.  
          Everything was starting to fall out of place, and if there was only one person who could put the pieces back together, it was Ellie.  
          As they started to rediscover one another, they also began to drift apart. But how long can they stay far away from each other when fate has already tied a string to them at the start?


          Oki dokii!
          Hello Hello!! Please give it a shot to read my first ever Written work in Wattpad!:)) and let's be moots
          @jojiekc on wattpad!!
          GENRE: Romance
          Story Category: Teen fiction
          This is a work of fiction.
          Names, Characters, Businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, actual events is purely coincidental.
          Kceinah Crain Xhialveria is just a normal girl living her life in peace, not until she met a Guy. She didn't know what to do when they're first encounter comes. She felt like she knew him but at the same time not.
          She already knew, she isn't capable of winning his heart as he is always cold, giving glares and all. 
          But the main question is...
          How will she get his attention without putting any effort?
          Will she be successfully acquire his attention without his cold stares? Without her shivering in fear because of him?  
          Find out next and Read the story:)