
Apologies for any grammar or spelling mistakes in Doomed Heist but I dont have my phone or laptop right now so I'm using an age old tablet that doesn't have spell check. Thanks


Okay, after some consideration @Diloony and @Zolano_Masters, I have decided to archive the horror idea. It was a bit flimsy and I think it could do with further development before work begins. So, I am going to try and release some new material by the end of this week, if I don't, I just can't be bothered.
          Have a great day


@BCLenny oh that 1 paragraph you sent? Get used to dead ideas, they happen a lot.


@Zolano_Masters I posted a message la week ago about a horror I was going to write and just assumed you read it


this message may be offensive
@BCLenny you tagged me and I haven't a fucking clue why. I was never told shit about it so could you explain?