Thank you all so much for 53 followers!!! It means so much to me! If any Of you would like to you can follow me on Twitter @ BDS_TWD14. And also HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!! ☺
Hey guys I know I haven't updated in what's seems like a long time but I have been super busy and I'm so sorry and I have also been trying to come up with an idea for the next part of my story. I have big things coming up and I am super busy with those. Thank you so much for helping me to get lots of followers and you guys mean the world to me. Thank you to you all! :)
Ya know I don't care what people say about things I like. We all have our own opinion and are allowed to express it. If someone says anything I'll simply ignore it. (:
@shivvy01 Be sure to check out my book The Apocalypse: The Two Brothers & The Others! Thanks! :) And if you'd like to comment and vote! :) Thanks again!