
Hey everyone, I just thought I would come clean and make a public, long overdue apology to certain people regarding my old books (such as my old Twilight story with James and Victoria). It has come to my realization that I accidentally copied stories almost exactly in my old works. I was incredibly younger than I am now when those were started and I have changed, my newer stories are all my own ideas and story. But I feel terrible that I copied the stories, one of them actually did better than I thought it would, but I deleted it after realizing what I had done. I feel posting this message is for the best and is one of the best ways to move on. I deleted my Twilight story after realizing that I copied it, and any other copied works will soon be deleted as well as I can’t even remember what was and wasn’t copied. I hope you all can forgive me as I am terribly sorry for everything. I feel like this is the best thing to do, and I don’t care if I lose followers, I deserve it. I shouldn’t have done what I did and there is no excuse for why I did it. I just felt like I should come clean about this. I promise I will never do that again and I will continue to try and become better as a person and a writer.


Hey everyone, I just thought I would come clean and make a public, long overdue apology to certain people regarding my old books (such as my old Twilight story with James and Victoria). It has come to my realization that I accidentally copied stories almost exactly in my old works. I was incredibly younger than I am now when those were started and I have changed, my newer stories are all my own ideas and story. But I feel terrible that I copied the stories, one of them actually did better than I thought it would, but I deleted it after realizing what I had done. I feel posting this message is for the best and is one of the best ways to move on. I deleted my Twilight story after realizing that I copied it, and any other copied works will soon be deleted as well as I can’t even remember what was and wasn’t copied. I hope you all can forgive me as I am terribly sorry for everything. I feel like this is the best thing to do, and I don’t care if I lose followers, I deserve it. I shouldn’t have done what I did and there is no excuse for why I did it. I just felt like I should come clean about this. I promise I will never do that again and I will continue to try and become better as a person and a writer.


Update for my stories!! I’m not going to post anything on my stories until the book is almost done so that I can make a consistent uploading schedule, I think that may help me out a little bit. Sorry for the trouble


Only ones that’ll be randomly updated is my one-shot books as they don’t have a particular story


Your stories are really good 


@BERinlover1 I understand that is just like me with all the stories that I have


Thank you! I’m sorry it takes a while for me to update! I have so many stories that I can’t keep up!


Can you guys who are using my conversations to ask me to update a story, can you please specify which story you want me to update? Because I have so many works published I don't know what story you guys are talking about. Please and thank you. I appreciate any feedback given on any of my stories, positive or negative, it really helps me get better at writing, in any story please notify me on anything I mess up, I suck at grammar and I can't always portray my thoughts correctly so any help on making my stories better is always appreciated.