
Here are the lyrics for my song:
          	You first loved me when I saw your shadow
          	This is cute but it makes sense of my window
          	My favorite number you lied is four
          	So forget it when I make your tea a pour
          	Love is us when we are in Broadway
          	Just leave me there in a other way
          	Just come over for reunion
          	But still be with me for reunion
          	Since you went to prom with my ex, Jenny.
          	My face went such a poor wanny
          	But mysteriously like a formula
          	You flipped me up in a spatula
          	Life keeps to dreams
          	Leave us alive
          	Life keeps to dreams
          	Leave us alive
          	Life keeps to dreams (I'll turn my speakers on)
          	Leave us alive
          	Life keeps to dreams...
          	[CHROUS (during the hronk sound of the speakers, but stops in the "life keeps to dreams" part)
          	Life keeps to dreams
          	Leave us alive
          	Life keeps to dreams
          	Leave us alive
          	Life keeps to dreams
          	Leave us alive
          	Life keeps to dreams
          	(Song ends with police cars blaring around, and helicopters coming through)
          	Singer: NOOOOOOO
          	That singer of the song could either be Nick Jonas or Kelly Clarkson (or Janelle Monae oof)
          	What do you think of this song? Give us a rating of 1 to 10.


Here are the lyrics for my song:
          You first loved me when I saw your shadow
          This is cute but it makes sense of my window
          My favorite number you lied is four
          So forget it when I make your tea a pour
          Love is us when we are in Broadway
          Just leave me there in a other way
          Just come over for reunion
          But still be with me for reunion
          Since you went to prom with my ex, Jenny.
          My face went such a poor wanny
          But mysteriously like a formula
          You flipped me up in a spatula
          Life keeps to dreams
          Leave us alive
          Life keeps to dreams
          Leave us alive
          Life keeps to dreams (I'll turn my speakers on)
          Leave us alive
          Life keeps to dreams...
          [CHROUS (during the hronk sound of the speakers, but stops in the "life keeps to dreams" part)
          Life keeps to dreams
          Leave us alive
          Life keeps to dreams
          Leave us alive
          Life keeps to dreams
          Leave us alive
          Life keeps to dreams
          (Song ends with police cars blaring around, and helicopters coming through)
          Singer: NOOOOOOO
          That singer of the song could either be Nick Jonas or Kelly Clarkson (or Janelle Monae oof)
          What do you think of this song? Give us a rating of 1 to 10.


          You are a water checker, checking water every morning. But one day, the water in your village is gone! You pay a visit to Saw. "THE WATER IS GONE!" You scream. " Don't worry. Someone must have stolen them." Replies Saw. She gives you two locations. One of them is MathCamp. The other is a graveyard. You must pick to go which!
          Do you go to MathCamp or the graveyard?


I added a new book to my private library and my reading list and followed more people! And.....You hear that........I got all of the endings in The Magic of the Unicorn in the Alexa skill "Choose your Own Adventure". Guess what? That means I get to host a Choose your Own Adventure!