hey it's -PLUMHYUKS. I know I haven't updated pretend in a few days so I'm just gonna say that I'm alive. also, I  wrote the final chapter and the epilogue but it didn't save so I'm going to be rewriting and editing so for a few days so please be patient. thank you.


hey it's -PLUMHYUKS. I know I haven't updated pretend in a few days so I'm just gonna say that I'm alive. also, I  wrote the final chapter and the epilogue but it didn't save so I'm going to be rewriting and editing so for a few days so please be patient. thank you.


hola, it's @flirtaetion!
          so, here's the thing. i published my book "unnatural" here originally, but i unpublished it and instead and posted it on my main account which is said up there ^.
          the reason for this is because i want to make a short story for this account. the short story is more fitting for this account, and i've been waiting to make one for a special occasion. it didn't occur to me until after i published "unnatural" that it would be a good idea to use this collab account as the special occasion, so instead of "unnatural", my short story will be posted here.
          i'm sorry for those annoying notifications you probably received. please forgive me for it!
          i love you guys, and thank you. <3


all i see is "clit" and i'm already in love


@jjkclub I think Heather? I can't remember


@BIGCLITENT alright who's idea was it to have a big clit