Greetings all, I am that one guy you followed a couple months back because he actually uploaded stuff, yeah sorry about stopping that.
Ain't no real excuse to it, sadly I fell to my biggest weakness... my lazy habits. Some good news is that I do really want to pick up writing again, I think it would be pretty great, but I wanna hear from some of the people who may still care about what I upload, the question I would like to present to you is;
What shall I do?
Now, see my main problem right now stems from my confusion on 'what comes next'. Stygian was an idea I came up with while talking to myself (As you do) and I am still very much passionate about finishing it, however, I am still stuck on how I want to write it. Admittedly I have not dedicated as much time as I would like into finding a solution, but I would be 100% willing to put in the time if you people so wish.
In terms of 'For the Future Generation', I had (and still have) big plans for this book. See, I feel like if I write it correctly I could take it somewhere awesome, my main fear with that is that I may NOT write it correctly, and it could fail, which I certainly don't want, and many of you may not want. I would also be willing to pick up this book if some of you so wish, this is an equal 1st to the Stygian revival.
My last proposition is the beginning of a new book, one I vow to dedicate myself to and finish. I hate making promises but I will make one for this particular option. If, the majority of people who may respond to this want to see something new... then I shall dedicate myself to finishing. I will not half-arse it, nor will I put it off. I will get it done. I have ideas in my head, it is just a case of whether you people want it.
Once again this is fully up to you, I have no preference in the matter. I look forward to hearing your response and hopefully beginning to continue what was once lost within me.
Signing off with respect for all readers and those who stick by me;