My Faithful Followers, “BACK FROM THE DEAD, B!TCHES!!! CHEESE, STRAWBERRIES, ORANGE JUICE, MY DECREASING MENTAL HEALTH- How is everybody?? I know I’m pulling a CoryxKenshin, but like, I wasn’t gonna just forget I had an entire account on this app and do other stuff… Kinda… BUT TAKE THIS CHEESE!!! (cheese) TAKE THIS SONG!!! +<Escapism by Steven Universe>+ YOU ALL GET ONE FREE STRAWBERRY ‘CAUSE I FEEL LIKE IT’D BRING YOU HAPPINESS FOR AT LEAST TWO SECONDS!!! (strawberry) I do hope everyone is still alive and healthy though. The orange thing that rhymes with dump is being… whatever they’re supposed to be, so the country is kinda in panic. I swear, everyone is gonna piece out from slip n’ slide before old age ‘cause of that boy. BUT THIS ISN’T ABOUT HIM!!! I BETTER BE HEARING EVERYBODY ATE AT LEAST ONCE TODAY, GOT THIRTY MINUTES OF SLEEP, AND HAD SOCIAL COMMUNICATION FOR MAYBE THIRTY SECONDS!! Remember, when you think no one loves you, there is cheese. AND ME❤️❤️❤️” Love, SIMPING4DAFICTION

@BKDK_FORLIFERS bring happiness for 2 seconds? yes cheese okay love the cheese makes me tic then i smile like an idiot for a good 30 minutes okay more then just 2 seconds of happiness for me at least