          	worst part is i live in Louisiana lol


Holy crap bro and I thought I was pale don't look at   my profile pic i get really dark in the summer you're like Irish people pale lol In the winter I get like a ghostit depends on how cold it gets though I don't understand how some people live in like total sunny places  and stay pale I change subjects a lot I know if I get some sun I change 3 shades darker it's only winte Where you see me pale you though put me to shame


Oh my gosh  I feel so lazy because I wake up at like   6:45  to put  on my sucky uniform and then ignore m hair and stuff. At down and hope for the best which all in all takes a while but I stop to think every once in a while which takes like twenty minutes I still look like crap though I put like the last amount of makeup possible but this year I might change it and actually look and act slightly lady like for school My friends will probably be like "Starbucks what happened to you y ou look like a girl"