I have been away far too long. I am truly sorry for my followers who have been waiting on updates and new chapters on my stories. I honestly don't know fully what happened but I just shut out Wattpad from my life and just didn't have time for it anymore. For those few followers I had that were waiting on me to post I am truly sorry. I probably lost all my followers by now seeing as I haven't posted in years. I haven't been interactive on here in so long I had to reactivate my account just to post this message lol. Man it's truly been a minute but I have found some inspiration lately and I am reading stories on here again. I have a lot of ideas but I wanna hear from you guys. Well whoever is still here listening to me haha. But I am curious is there anything you guys would like me to write about, like what do you guys like to read? And also I am curious if y'all want me to continue my stories that I already have up? Just let me know! I am all ears and I want to start growing my followers back and be more interactive with you guys! I am so sorry again for being away for so long, but I am here now and I am ready to stat writing again! I am excited and I hope you guys are too! hit me up with whatever ideas yall have! Love yall!