
          	There will be a MAJOR Revision on (Book 1) Left 4 Dead 3: First Blood *-*



Howdy, guys! *-*)/
          Yeah so, I've been doing some research to support some of the details in my story, Left 4 Dead 3: First Blood, at least to keep it authentic. But I'm afraid I might've hit a stone wall. 
          As I have researched, Left 4 Dead is set sometime around October 2009. The problem is, my fanfic is set in Colorado, and winter likely starts around September in that place. And I wasn't able to add that detail in the story. In other words, yes, it's likely that my fanfic is supposed to be set around winter. 
          I'm not an American, thus I'm not familiar with the U.S. geography, so I really have to bust many chops on this one. But I'll take it that I'm gonna have to do some rewrites and revisions in the previous chapters in order to add such details. I really value the authenticity and realism in my works (at least, a little in this case) because of my traumatic experience from overfastidious people I've encountered when I was roleplaying. I do this because I'm trying to prevent some criticisms that would point out inaccuracies about things. 
          I know this is just a fanfic, a sloppy one either, yet somehow I think anybody from out of nowhere could pull up an article about weather statistics back in 2009 (year that Left 4 Dead is set) just because of this little mistake. So I'm pushing myself to do the rewrites and I'm really sorry for those who have already gone far in the story—for me overlooking this detail.
          But good news, I'm close to finishing chapter 7, and more so, the whole book. As this is the last chapter of my fanfic's Book 1 and I'm gonna move up to Book 2! *-*
          So, tune in, and read well. *-*)/
          ~ BMallory413


I love Left 4 Dead as well


@BMallory413 do you like it?