Hey Amelia1237~~Thanx for choosing to follow me. You won't be disappointed. I write across most of the WP genres, so yeah. Check out my Vampire tale, "The Vampiress of Mykonos" And for something much spicier read "A Walk int the Countryside." Part 4 of this story was so hot the WP people gave it a "R-Private" rating (woo woo). Yeah, like we girls are not supposed to think like that or do that thing sometimes . . .well guess again guys! :) Enjoy! [if you have difficulty accessing Part 4 to "Countryside" just ask and I'll send you the link] Glad we're connected. ~~Califia
@Ameila1237 ~~Hi. No, I try to personalize all my correspondences to those who follow me. I will be glad to discuss any and all things with you now that you are "on board." That includes Life, Love, Sex, or just the amazing craft of storytelling. (Go ahead, send me a PM and you will see a reply :) Glad we're connected. ~~Califia