
To-do list (not procedural):
          	⚪ Accept entries from Division 2: BTS Galaxy
          	⚪ Attend to matters in DM
          	⚪ Accept Betelgeuse Entries
          	⚪ Update the whole list through the book
          	⚪ Clear out entries not found on the reading lists
          	 Accept entries from Division 1: ARMY Galaxy
          	I'm going to take a small break for now, I'll be up later~☆


To-do list (not procedural):
          ⚪ Accept entries from Division 2: BTS Galaxy
          ⚪ Attend to matters in DM
          ⚪ Accept Betelgeuse Entries
          ⚪ Update the whole list through the book
          ⚪ Clear out entries not found on the reading lists
           Accept entries from Division 1: ARMY Galaxy
          I'm going to take a small break for now, I'll be up later~☆


Firat of all, I'd have to formally apologize for being an irresponsible host. I've been lacking a lot, and I admit it. But still, I want to pursue this awards. Have received a lot of messages and threads over the conversations column, and I'd try to reach up as soon as possibl. It's April, turning May, and I've been so inactive. I sincerely apologize, I'll make it up to you.


@BTSGalaxyAwards Yep, Tell me whever you need help :) But just not for today and tomorrow cus I have an assignment to start and finish hehe but on Monday or Tuesday I think I'll be just about ready to help


@FireEnvieAwards that would actually help out a lot ㅠㅠ


@BTSGalaxyAwards If you need advice on keeping organised or just help in managing something I'm more than happy to help :)


Are these awards still gonna happen or what?


@Min_Hayashi It would still go as planned, I apologize for taking too long.


I've already deleted your entry from my list. Thank you for joining, still!


@divinegguk This would mean you are withdrawing your entry, right? 


Recently got back. I apologize... exams had started for me but it's all good now since it's done, less things to worry about. I'll be starting to organize a bit later. Good morning, everyone!
          - romeonster


It’s all Gouda cheese girlie, don’t apologize for doing what you have to do:)


We have updated the list of the categories, andwe would want you to check out the category you have applied for. If you see a mistake, kindly PM us or comment the mistake. We want everything to be orderly and organized! We also updated those who had changed their usernames, so please do check them out. We want to be careful of the name of the book and the identity of the author.
           Thank you very much for participating!