Hyy Beautiees!!!! How are you all? Doing good right?! I'm good but not that good,as today my second terms result came and I'm not happy with the result! Well Nvm leave this all.
I'm here to give an announcement about the updates and about a new upcoming book!! First about the update. So,I'm thinking to give an update in -Their Precious- within next week as I don't think I'll be able to give any update after that as I've to focus on my finals preparation. And about -His Sweetheart- I'll give the update when I'll get the time,or maybe in the mid of my exam as we have a long break between two exams so yeah!
Now about the upcoming book,well I won't publish it now or during my exams! I'll directly publish it after my exams. I'll just say one thing about the upcoming book,that is the book is an Indian Romance ^^!
Hope you all take care of yourself,stay healthy and be safe!! Now I'll take my leave,see u soon!! Bybyee ^^!!