I'm writing the 5th chapter of Shadow where Shay, the bounty hunter, gets captured by Garroth and Laurence. I'm not spoiling the rest ;) You'll have to read for yourself. Chapters 2-4 are published. Sorry for the 1st chapter for being long and having lots of info about Shay's past. If you want to see chapters 2-4, you have to scroll down, then scroll down again from the "suggestions" page, ugh.


I'm writing the 5th chapter of Shadow where Shay, the bounty hunter, gets captured by Garroth and Laurence. I'm not spoiling the rest ;) You'll have to read for yourself. Chapters 2-4 are published. Sorry for the 1st chapter for being long and having lots of info about Shay's past. If you want to see chapters 2-4, you have to scroll down, then scroll down again from the "suggestions" page, ugh.