20 freaking-facts-challenge, tagged by my good friend here @xSnow_Frost
(Srsly y I need to du this? XD)
1. I'm a bad girl.. VER BAD GIRL.. I was sent to the principal 's office last time haha :D
2. I love PEPERO!
3. My hobby is eating
4. My favourits color is Blue
5. My favourite bands are 1D, BYE, 5SOS and FOB.
6. My favorite singers are Ed Sheeran, Katy Perry and Taylor.
7. IN RELATIONSHIP with Connor Mcdonough, Michael Clifford, and Louis Tomlinson hahaha nahh XD (In my dreams)
8. I know how to play drums.
9. Ihateschools
10. My favourite Starbucks coffees are Peppermint Mocha, and Chocolate Chip Frap.
11. I'm not wearing dresses.
12.I love rock songs.
13. I'm living in a dorm for now..
14. I love dogs.
15. I love spongebob.
16. I love IGGY
17. random. I' m random.
18. I hate normal people.
18. I'm crazy!
20. Last but not the least.
I'm a wattpad user who is typing my stupid persoanlities and you are reading this and your face was like : .-. (poker face) XD
20.5 You didn't notice there are two "18" XD (or you noticed hahah .-. XD)
People I nominated for the Ice Bucket Challenge, I mean to do this thing are XD: