@BYYNGXXI whoops typo! It's called "Its Complicated" 


so this whole month, i was reading 'love story' everywhere. sometimes i accidentaly brought my phone to the toilet reading the book make a sequel after soul ri, brooklyn and jinri gets pregnant. i was also laughing to some parts and my mom could be like 'why are you laughing' 
          i was writing my fanfic (check it out haha jk jk) and supposed to type ji-hyun but end up typing soul ri
          hugs and lots of loves,
          ä xx


You just made my day :) thank you! And of course I will check out your fanfic! 


Hello~! I won't be updating for a while, I've just been going though things and doing a lot of stuff. I am really sorry! I don't know when I will be back and be updating, so in the meantime read some others stories or you can re-read mine ^^! 
          Thank you for reading and....
          Have a wonderful Morning/Evening/Night! 
          Until Next Time (which I don't know when) BYEE <3