♥~Hey guys! So, my family bought a house about a year ago, and I'm sad to announce that we will be moving into a trailer this weekend and living there for the entire summer as our new house gets remodeled. I lost the charger to my laptop two months ago so I have been going online on our computer. This means that:
1. I'm not gonna be on Roblox
2. I'm not gonna be on Wattpad
3. And I'm not gonna be able to write the chapters I was hoping to write over the summer for my fanfics, since school has been making me waaaaaaaay behind on that.
Unless I find the charger, i'm screwed.
That also means I have to make new friends at my NEW school.
Anyways, I might be on a bit during the week to cry over how I won't survive the summer. Bai, my cinnamon rolls~!♥