
I’ve been so out of the loop recently that I genuinely didn’t realize that Lauren and Camila are kind of like… friends again??? That’s so wild to see after YEARS of them having to avoid each other or I guess keep things private? I think they never stopped being friends even after disbandment, but obviously couldn’t make it publicly known.
          	It feels like Lauren is beginning to become less traumatized with Camren and is slowly getting to a comfortable place since she and Camila are on good terms. Camila and Shawn also have a strong, secure relationship so there’s really no reason for them to hide whatever’s going on. 
          	Although I don’t exactly ship Camren anymore, it’s still nice to see them be friendly and interact. I’m happy they can finally have freedom and not constrain themselves if they do want to publicly support each other. Again, I feel like they’ve always still been friends but now have no pressure to hide it :)


@kryber2003 ahh i see. Thank you for the info hehehe


@daddycamzii they've been liking each other's posts and camila commented on Lauren's post about Cuba and all and Clara liked a picture of camila and the other girls too


@ BabeLoRegui  agree


Hey guys, how's things? 
          I am fr having a hard time finding a story titled Camila. 
          Have no idea if it still available. But it takes place in Cuba. Lauren and Lucy are married and they have a son together Jacob. 


I’ve been so out of the loop recently that I genuinely didn’t realize that Lauren and Camila are kind of like… friends again??? That’s so wild to see after YEARS of them having to avoid each other or I guess keep things private? I think they never stopped being friends even after disbandment, but obviously couldn’t make it publicly known.
          It feels like Lauren is beginning to become less traumatized with Camren and is slowly getting to a comfortable place since she and Camila are on good terms. Camila and Shawn also have a strong, secure relationship so there’s really no reason for them to hide whatever’s going on. 
          Although I don’t exactly ship Camren anymore, it’s still nice to see them be friendly and interact. I’m happy they can finally have freedom and not constrain themselves if they do want to publicly support each other. Again, I feel like they’ve always still been friends but now have no pressure to hide it :)


@kryber2003 ahh i see. Thank you for the info hehehe


@daddycamzii they've been liking each other's posts and camila commented on Lauren's post about Cuba and all and Clara liked a picture of camila and the other girls too


@ BabeLoRegui  agree


Hi. First of all i love your work. Keep up the good work. Secondly, a bit of weird ask. Im looking for a story. I have been looking for it days and im struggling to find it. Its a Camren story where both camila and lauren are singers. Not a fifth harmony story. Mostly based with instagram posts. I remember one time camila had a panic attack and lauren took a private jet to see her eventhough they were broken up. It ended with them being married and adopting a little girl, please send me the name of the story or author if you know what I am talking about. Thanks heaps 


Hi guys! Does anyone of you here has a copy of marrying the ceo (camren g!p?) A badly need one. If u have kindly msg me here on Wattpad. Thanks a lot!


@Gazili23 @mani2597 not like "my" story i wrote like saying a song is my jam....that was my story, my fave story


@korib5 omg really??? 


Next chapter coming some time this week I promise! The days just aren’t long enough :(


Can’t wait for the next chapter! :) 


@BabeLoRegui Thanks for update and take care


@BabeLoRegui just chill and take your time author :)) take care and stay safe 


Hi Friends!
          I cannot believe my story Mistress has over 1M reads now!!! I personally did not think it would have gained this much attention but I’m so grateful and honored that it has. 
          Thank you so much to everyone who has read the book... even if you’ve read just one word of it. It really means the world to me that someone has taken the time to read what I’ve written as my work is my art.
          I’ve loved writing fan fiction over these last few years and for as many f*cked up and dark stories I write, at least there’s one person out there that thinks they’re at least decent lol. Until recently, I didn’t realize how dramatic and downright insane some of my storylines have been hahaha I guess that’s just who I am!
          Thank you again guys :)


@BabeLoRegui wow congrats buddy!!❤ u super talented so I'm not suprised if u book reach million readers 


I love all your stories and probably read them all more than once! You’re a really talented writer❤️