Hey guys!! Sorry for so late!!! I have been busy and the phone wasn't cutting it. I had a lot of problems doing my work by phone. I will try to keep up and actually finish these books. I hope you enjoy!
Hey guys!! Sorry for so late!!! I have been busy and the phone wasn't cutting it. I had a lot of problems doing my work by phone. I will try to keep up and actually finish these books. I hope you enjoy!
@December_Falls that would be great and I feel ya on the work for assignments. I can totally help out. Maybe we can start a book together this summer. Miss you dearly.
Hey guys, I know I haven't been since forever in a day. Just wanted to let you know that I am still working on it and all the little things that are in my head. It is just really hard because I am super sick at the moment. Also with the addition of a school life and other things with life doesn't make things any easier. But don't be afraid to message me or anything because I need some more ideas for some of my stories. Happy hunting for new fav's of books!
Hey guys, If you haven't seen recent updates in the next few weeks, its because ACT's and exams I am busy studying for. But for now, Working on the books little by little with the addition of Winter Guard.