
I have half the next chapter written, this one will be longer than all of them! :) Will be dedicating this next one to a follower so stay tuned til the end!


I'm working on the next chapter for my makorra story, half of it is done and I hope to have it up before I go on vacation (monday). I know you guys must be very confused by the last chapter but don't worry, it will be resolved. Ok hope you all have a blessed weekend. Love you all!


Merry Christmas everyone and im so sorry for the lack of updates, ive been so busy lately with this year being my senior year. I will try to work on getting a update soon over the rest of the break but I hope that everyone is enjoying their winter breaks and has a joful holiday. If anyone wants to dm me about the Legend of Korra season finale you're welcome to because I want to know what everyone thought of it, so please feel free to message me. So again hope everyone had an unforgettable Christmas/ Hanukkah/Kwanzaa/or any holiday you may celebrate, so happy holidays! :D


I know I have updated in sooooo long but that's because I've been applying to colleges! Yes I am, in fact, a senior. I will be uploading a new One Direction fanfic, not sure when but hopefully sometime in November. And if you want to follow me on twitter, my Twitter is @Kyrac3 if you follow me I'll follow you! So thanks just wanted to post a quick message, love you all!!


I just uploaded a new part to my story! I will try to get a new part in by wedesday, september 4th. If I don't then the latest will be friday. I'm gonna try and get a new part in once a week and possibly twice a week. The days I'm thinking for twice a week is wednesday and fridays. Let me know what you think of this, either in comments or send me a message!