

The voting is going great so far! 
          (If you have already voted pay no attention to this)
          Down below is a list of contestants who still need to vote, either you've contacted me already or not but don't worry you have until Saturday to vote. Just want to make sure you know who you are :) 
          Here's the link:
          @1derfullyhannah @HeartBreakHoran @hailthequeen @Lunalily13 @RollerCoaster2612515       @bubblegumsmartypants @Denise20092010 @nandosloveforniall @BayleySmile14 @YoursTrulyChelsey @AerynMiller @meghanmcd11 @Tardisfreak @DaniBuscus @books2luv @RANDEEMALIK13 @larryskid13  @1DAcdemey2010