//What I have for Vito's crew so far (most of these were made on a whim as I typed this):
Kraglin: Essentially the Tullk of the ship, was offered to be first mate, the main person Vito goes to for things (once a parent, always a parent <3)
Vito: Captain
Torion: First mate
Zadoc: Second mate, foreman, shipswain
Celestia: Third mate, one of the few girls of the crew, another of Ego's descendents
Eshu: (some people may recognize him from No Vito, I'm bringing this angel back fully <3) Weapons upkeep, foreman, partial repair boy when needed
Gallant: Foreman, handles most things involving missions (with the consolation of the first 4 people on this list), kinda thr AB, shipswain
Lazarus: Purser, occasional tailor
Zephyr: First engineer, foreman
Cygnus: Main person to do night shift, deck officer for night shift, foreman (his species is nocturnal)
Lewmon: Deck cadet
Razzie: Deck cadet, another girl on the crew
Orion: Chief Cook, came from Stakar's group