If l had the gift of healing, I would have prayed to God and you will never have remain deaf any longer

I pray that the power of the Holy Spirit will take over your life and free you from the bondage of deafness in the mighty name of Jesus, it is written “ in that day, the deaf will hear words read from a book; and the blind will see through the gloom and darkness. Lord if it is your will, let this suffering and broken soul receive your mercy and healing from the spirit of deafness. Lord free her from this spirit because of your promise in the book of John 3:16, God, l know that you are willing to heal her. Lord l know we are created in your image, and to every one that receives you, you have given them the power to become sons and daughters of God. Lord l pray and plead on this soul behalf with the blood of Jesus, knowing that you don’t wish for any soul to perish but to come in knowledge of you. Lord remember your promise when you said when you pray to me with your whole heart, l will hear and answer you. Lord l know that anything that is impossible with man is possible with you. Lord you healed Bartimaeus, because of his faith. Lord if you are willing heal this soul, and let her know that you care for her. Lord wherever she is, l pray that you will visit her this very night and do the unthinkable. Lord do not let the enemy rejoice, lord remember your promises to your people. In the mighty name of Jesus, lord l thank you for deliverance and what you will do next in her life. I know it never to late for you to work your will, lord do it for her. I thank you for everything on this lady behalf, l thank you for her life and health and what you would do next, I come to lay her soul upon your hand, knowing that you will guard her in the mighty name of Jesus, our lord, amen.