  • انضمSeptember 3, 2016

قصص بقلم ✖️Censored_Child✖️
12:00 a.m بقلم BacardiClark
12:00 a.m
Possibly a series I've started on Prose that am also putting on here.(short story)
The Phan Life Is For Me بقلم BacardiClark
The Phan Life Is For Me
Ever imagine Phan being real? Do you believe? Is it true? No one exempt Dan and Phil know. But here is a stor...
+1 أكثر
Inside بقلم BacardiClark
My chest aches, as I lay here wandering what is going to happen to me. The air is cold as ice, while I lay he...
ranking #781 في suspenseful إظهار جميع المراتِب