
tbh, life pretty much sucks, like, wtf


There's a story...A story about Nancy and Barbra. You see, Nancy and Barbra have been friends since the beginning of time..Well, that might be a bit over exaggerated, but it seems to be that way. They both found each other, lost, weak, hurt. Both problems that could be mended, healed. Over time, exactly that happened, but with each wound patched up, another came. They hit many speed bumps, like any other friendship, but they didn't break it off after a year or two. They might of secretly hated each other, but there was love mixed in with that hate, creating one insane concoction. One day, Barbra left to pursue her dreams and be with people she needed to be around, with this new life, her attention was taken from Nancy. Barbra's plate was filled with a ton of tasks and duties, and Nancy stayed behind in that little town, missing someone at her side. She felt a void in her heart, like something was missing...and there was. As Nancy's heart fills with confusion on why Barbra had left, Barbra barely survives in her new environment. So many events cause memories to play in her head, memories of herself and Nancy. Barbra feels...guilty. She doesn't know what to say to Nancy, where to even start. She wonders if Nancy could ever forgive Barbra and her wrong, selfish ways. The letters stopped, the updates...As if time had froze. Barbra has written a letter, but doesn't know how to send. She expresses...How she misses Nancy. How life isn't the same without Nancy's support, that Nancy's letters makes her day, even if she wishes it was a soothing voice other than simple words. But, words contain a great amount of meaning. She wants to tell Nancy, if she reads, this...That she loves her, and that she wishes things could go back to normal..But it of course wouldn't be that easy. Things have crashed and burned, and time just..left Barbra. It may not be that easy, but when Barbra visits for the welcoming of spring, Barbra wants to be able  to see Nancy's face once again, lets talk.