
Y'all I'm considering doing a fanfic that us not about Mileven. *gasp* I know, I know. It surprises me too. I'm thinking about doing an Edssy fanfic. Should I?


So, uh, I've decided to discontinue the majority of my books, only like 3 are going to get updated, and one is on pause. I will only be updating Antiophobia, Lovely Family, and TAWFITW. The one that is on pause is Apocalypse. Everything else, I've decided to be done with. Anyways, I hope y'all have an amazing day, beautiful people


@BaconNeedzLicorice this is all until further notice btw


I’m really sorry for not updating anything lately. I’ve had massive writers block and things have been crazy lately with school starting and there’s a wedding coming up that I have to go to. I hope I can get past this writer’s block soon though because I really want to write and give y’all something.