
Update: the game will be released sooner than before it will be on may 27th instead of 31st...I got a bad feeling about this I hope I'm wrong folks.


Good news to everyone assault Lily last bullet is getting a global release if you want to preregister Go to this link: and pray that this game last and not getting Eos hopefully.....


@Uesato good thing is that they have a 400,000 preregister users now.


@Uesato don't get too excited though unless you want a another heartbreak like what happened to precone and magia record and syphogear XD.


another one..a black op Legion.....the Mysterious Legion Rossweisse:
          Legion Rossweisse (LGロスヴァイセ) is a legion at Yurigaoka Girls' Academy.
          Rossweisse is a special operations legion. Unlike most legions at Yurigaoka, they are not under the command of the Brynhildr, but take orders directly from the Garden They perform even black ops attacking GEHENA labs to rescue Lilies who have been subjected to inhumane experiments During these missions, they are allowed to take any measures necessary against any resistance they encounter. For this kind of duty, they are trained not just to fight against the Huge, but also against humans The legion consists of only Boosted Lilies just like St. Mercurius' Raguel, which it is modeled after. As cover, they're known as a legion of combat medics 
          Boosted Lilies which Rossweisse is known to have been involved in the rescue of are Ando Tazusa and Diana Koolhaas (These rescues took place quite some time ago, and the legion presumably had a different roster at the time.)


Hasebe Touka is one of the homegrown Yurigaoka Lily. She had always been partner of Takegoshi Chihana. But as time goes, she has a growing complex towards the other members of Alfheim, especially because she doesn't score finishing shot as much as the others. Her lack of confidence, and comparing herself to Sakaizawa Naru who also plays the right side BZ position grew into feeling of envy.
          During the 1st Ooiso Defensive Battle, Touka asks her friend Mashima Moyu to use the experimental 4th generation CHARM, citing she managed to use Aspid Zmei without trouble. This is despite known issues with Einherjar during the simulation stage. Moyu relented because Touka begged her, saying there's no other way for her to help Chihana other than by working in battles.
          Touka managed to launch a finish shot against a gigant-class in the battle, but the feedback overload from the CHARM left her in vegetative state. This incident of Touka using an unapproved experimental CHARM adds up to the list of issues put up against Chihana after the battle.
          Throughout the time Touka is unconscious, Luise Ingels visited her everyday, together with Misaka. Then after Touka regained her consciousness, both ties oath of schutzengel.
          From Misaka, Touka heard that Alfheim had been disbanded, and as punishment, Chihana lose her right to form a legion, on top of being removed from her position as Sigrun. To Touka who starts blaming herself, Misaka also told her Chihana is now part of a new legion, and that Touka should join it to continue fighting alongside Chihana.
          But what Touka found there is Naru already fills her position and there's no more place for her. Even with Chihana inviting, Touka refused to join Lohengrin.
          Misaka then offered Touka to join her legion if she got nowhere else to go. When Touka joined Sanngriðr, she also applies to become Misaka's roommate.


here's a Trivia about her :
          Touka is rumoured to be easily jealous, especially when seeing someone else talking to the people she held dear.
          Although this could also be from people who are jealous of her.
          Touka has many hobbies and interests
          Fortune telling
          Beauty care
          During valentine day, Touka received chocolate from even outside the Garden
          Her Schutzengel Oath with Luise is initiated from her side
          In previous setting information, Touka's roommate is Chihana. This later got changed to Misaka, and Fumi said she will give more story behind what happened.
          In Assault Lily ARMS, Touka is friend of Moyu and helps in research of Einherjar, a 4th generation CHARM. The experiment left her in a vegetative state.
          It was formerly believed that Touka's cameo in Assault Lily: Bouquet was proof that that this experiment never happened in the anime/game continuity; however, Assault Lily Magazine Vol. 4 later revealed that some time following the experiment and after the events of ARMS, Touka made a full recovery.
          Touka's ability to contain 7 sub-skills is believed to make her a Singular Lily.


@BacorJohnray's incomplete.


@ BacorJohnray  I see, thanks for the trivia man


soo..this is my first assault lily character post so...sorry for this character post is from odaiba credits to the translator from the assault lily discord rluka | ᛊᛖᛁᚲᚨ:Maruyama Amane
          Odaiba 3rd year. 
          Heorot Saints AZ/BZ
          Rare skill: Shukuchi
          Sub skill: Stealth
          With her skill composition, she is like the starter of fighting style that appear and disappear unexpectedly like a ninja. 
          She was both the captain of Heorot Saints and student council president, but she has stepped down from both position to support her juniors. Her existence is like Saints' guardian and their trump card.
          One of the boosted lily rescued by Akira-sensei. 
          Just after being rescued, she was dying from rejection of her surgery. Akira-sensei brought her to the Gehena lab in Irma for examination and while it's impossible to completely remove the modification, they managed to remove most of them, leaving only support enhancement such as Magi deterioration damper, and Magi concentration increaser. 
          From her participation in Defence of Kasumigaura and Recapture of Makuhari, Amane is considered like a hero. Together with Yuki, she finished the boss Gigant class in Makuhari. Of course, she has good relationship with the other members participating in Makuhari operation, such as Yuki, Mirai, Yoshii Kiriko (Irma), Izue Shinobu (Yurigaoka)
          Amane is supportive of Haru's decision in Odaiba. 
          It was a difficult decision to make, but I believe evacuating those who can't fight in extreme situation is a correct decision. In the same situation, I would have taken the same choice. 
          She lead Saints to help the local Gardens in Defense of Kasumigaura, which also involves Ageha, Nagi, and Rosalinde from Yurigaoka. It is a battle that managed to avert Ibaraki from falling into Huge's territory.
          During that battle, Amane works with relatively unknown Tamatsukuri Girls High School. It was from this battle that the braveries of Tamatsukuri girls became famous in Northern Kanto.