
If any of you actually come on here, i just wanna say i've got one Helluva character coming along nicely (for the art book).
          	No idea when it'll be done (hopefully by Christmas lol), i just feel like it just radiates improvement


Was thinking of removing the frans part of my frans fic, because:
          A - some people don't like frans, especially cus it's everywhere and my fic sounds like a typical fic where a poor school nerd is met by famous person (AKA i want more reads by not deterring people)
          and B - I am now one of those people that doesn't like frans that way lmao (some people do it good, but this isn't one of those times)
          So if you was intrigued in Lab Coats before this, expect it to have plot removed that doesn't exist yet to your eyes (thankfully)