
Hello, world! It's been a while, hasn't it? Remember when I told you about that new fanfic I was working on? Well, it's almost done. Turns out that I had a lot more to write about than I had thought. But, I am working on a couple new super cute stories, one of which I will be posting in the next few days or so


Hello, world! It's been a while, hasn't it? Remember when I told you about that new fanfic I was working on? Well, it's almost done. Turns out that I had a lot more to write about than I had thought. But, I am working on a couple new super cute stories, one of which I will be posting in the next few days or so


How old are you?


this message may be offensive
I know that and I know that they haven't replied in the month, it says BadWolf2006 the year, I'm wondering how young they would be and also because they said I act mature for my age. 
            I'm allowed to be curios dumbass


@DaBestOfDaBest21 why would you ask that? and even if you do ask, they're probably going to ignore you anyways. I mean, it's not your business.


It's my birthday! Or, it was. It still is, but now it's night, so... 
          Also, it's National Star Wars Day! May the Fourth be with you :)


@BadWolf2006 omg, my birthday is may 6.. how old are you?


Thanks for following! Would you mind taking a look at my story? It's called All Too Well and I would really appreciate it! Sorry if I sound douchey I'm just trying to see if people like it and stuff! I can read one of your story's too!