Welcome to BadassReads, a community dedicated to celebrating and sharing stories of badass characters and epic adventures. We believe that stories have the power to inspire, empower, and entertain, and we want to create a space where these tales can be celebrated and appreciated.
In this community, we want to showcase stories of strong, courageous, and resilient characters who defy expectations, overcome challenges, and kick ass in the face of danger. We want to explore different genres and mediums, from fantasy and science fiction to historical and contemporary, and everything in between.
We also encourage readers to share their own recommendations and reviews of badass reads, discussions on their favorite characters and plot twists, and engage in lively debates about all things books and stories.
Whether you're a seasoned reader or just starting your journey into the world of badass reads, we welcome you to join our community and embark on thrilling adventures with us. Get ready to discover new worlds, meet unforgettable characters, and be inspired by the power of storytelling.
Let's get lost in the pages and unleash our inner badasses together!
This profile is run by a team of independent Wattpad users and not affiliated with Wattpad HQ or Ambassadors.
Do not advertise your stories on our message board or private messages as they will be deleted.
- Wattpad HQ
- InscritNovember 25, 2015
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Hi Badass Crew!Due to some changes, this profile is no longer affiliated with Wattpad, but will still be up and running by a team of volunteers. Our profile is under construction right now as we ge...Afficher toutes les Conversations
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