Hey uh... I guess I need to vent this feeling and past trauma out I can't really forget what those two mens did to me when I was younger, they kept touching me on the arm and do kissy faces that creeps me out a lot, and to make it worse they are the one to hired to watch over me and my brothers. And when my parents or grandparents aren't there, they get well..... Touchy like hugging too long hell almost kissed somewhere I don't like, and they have the confidence to this too when my parents are with me in the elevator, and he had the audacity to do those stuff on me, it's been so long since I held this feeling and past trauma thinking that it's all my fault that they doing that. I know some of you will never read this but it's fine atleast I put this feeling here in Wattpad. Wow I feel relieve now after this hahaha, and thank you for anybody reading this. Have a good night/day/afternoon/evening <3

Ah one more to vent out, when I was on the car and my grandma isn't there (let's call him "man 1" because I don't remember his name) man 1 suddenly went straight to me and sat next to me, he said something but I can't really remember but he then suddenly went for my arm but before all the chaos started my grandma was back and man 1 went back to his driver seat after he saw her, I didn't told my grandma after that because dumb me didn't know what really was going on but now I do :/

Also sorry if it seems childish that two men are doing those touchy arms or anything, it feels stupid for some of you and I'm sorry