
Hello everyone!! Chapter 6 RW is out now!! I hope you all enjoy it!


          	  I'm so glad you enjoyed it! Hopefully, the wait for the next chapter won't be too terrible, considering I've already started working on it. Whenever it comes out, I hope it meets or exceeds your expectations!


@Bagger_27 Loved it! Sad to know I binged all the available chapters, and now my watch begins


Hello everyone!! Chapter 6 RW is out now!! I hope you all enjoy it!


            I'm so glad you enjoyed it! Hopefully, the wait for the next chapter won't be too terrible, considering I've already started working on it. Whenever it comes out, I hope it meets or exceeds your expectations!


@Bagger_27 Loved it! Sad to know I binged all the available chapters, and now my watch begins


Hello everyone. My work on Chapter 4 RW took a little break thanks to a hurricane. Don't worry; I'm perfectly fine, but until my internet stops flickering, I won't be able to get the final draft out for a bit. It sucks on my end because I really thought I was going to be done last week, but nature basically told me no. But there's no point in complaining.
          If you have any questions, feel free to ask.


Hello everyone! I wanted to give you all an update regarding Chapter 3 RW. 
          First, I want to thank how patient all of you have been with me. If it wasn't obvious, I suck at maintaining a "schedule", at least in regard to this story. The purpose of this update is to say whats going on with this chapter. 
          1. I don't know why, but this chapter has given me the largest case of writer's block for seemingly no reason. I thought I knew what I wanted to do, but I was very mistaken.
          2. I've gotten sick while writing this chapter for over a week twice. Naturally, sneezing and coughing doesn't allow my creative mind to flow.
          3. Elden Ring (expect a large number of references in the coming chapters)
          4. My vacation.
          Mix those four things together, and you get why this chapter isn't out yet. That said, starting this week, I will be continuing to write in the hopes of getting this Chapter 3 RW out before July ends. 
          If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.


First of all, i want to say that you shouldn’t worry about it, i love the direction your story is going, and am really looking forward to what you’ll come up with, i also know that it takes a lot of time to come up with ideas and capturing characters’ personalities and whatnot. I also want to say that you shouldn’t feel pressured by someone telling you to hurry up and to just take your time, looking forward to it!


Hello everyone! I just wanted to give you guys the heads-up that the Chapter 2 RW is done! I'll be working on Chapter 3 RW soon. 
          Like always, feel free to ask any questions


@Koemosu22 Thank you! I greatly appreciate it! And don't worry, I'll make sure to continue the work you consider great!!


@Bagger_27 you just keep doing you. Your doing great work


@Bagger_27 yay!!!! Thank you good sir 


hey man, i only want to ask your progress on the rewrite because your story is one of the best and i cant wait for the new chapter to be released


Nah you have answered all the question i had, my biggest concerne was that you were gonna drop the story But from what i see i dont Need to worry,  take your time man.


            Hello! So, I actually finished my Prologue RW, and I plan to start working on Chapter 1 RW later this week. 
            As for how long it is going to take? I'm unsure, and I don't want to give out timelines that I know I won't be able to follow. 
            But I will say that the other chapter rewrites should be quicker, with the expectation of chapter 8. I'm thinking I should continue the story(aka chapter 10) around the start of Summer. 
            For something like chapter 9, it will be done incredibly quickly; it basically just fixes some small copy and pasting errors. But for something like chapter 3, where I plan to introduce several scenes, it might be on the longer side.  
            Hopefully, I've answered your question. If you have any more, please ask. Also, I'm thrilled to hear you are enjoying my story.


Hello Everyone! I just wanted to wish you all a very Merry Christmas. I also wanted to update everyone on my rewrite of my prologue. I have started working on it, and it may be well over 20k words. I aim to have it out before Winter break ends, although I make no promises. 
          Like always, feel free to ask any questions. Merry Christmas.


Hello everyone! A quick little update post. So, for those of you who have read my comment on the fanfic Friday(11-17-2023) for the Danmachi subreddit, I know I said I would have chapter 9 out sometime this weekend (11/17-11/19). However, I underestimated the travel time of my trip. In short, I am on vacation. That said, I brought my laptop to work on my final draft and will post it this week (hopefully). I am very excited about this chapter as it is the first chapter to establish my style moving forward. It has author notes at the top and includes soundtracks, among other things. 
          I thank you all for your patience. As always, feel free to ask questions.