So a small piece of information about me, is I am severely stuck in the closet. I have told most of my friends about how I identify and all that, but none of my family or anyone else for that matter knows. I *did* come out by accident once a few years ago to my mom, however I backed out and lied about what I said I felt and we haven't discussed it since then, because of how just outright odd my mom had been about it. Granted my feelings about my identity have changed since then, so it's probably for the better..
I have decided that I want to come out to my therapist, who I will be seeing on Tuesday at my routine zoom appointment, and I am intending to actually come out to her this time. I went to do it last time but my anxiety made me back down and bail from the plan.
I am.. very nervous. I don't think she'll be rude or anything, she's been very nice so far, but I haven't told any other adults in my life about how I feel. I just so badly want and wish to be able to express myself without the constant stress and worry of potentially upsetting or becoming a source of my relatives' disapproval.. I just want to be out of the closet already.
I may try and update a few things on here, something to keep me busy whenever my thoughts get a little too much.
I know this update is very off topic compared to my usual posts, however I just really wanted to say something to at least one person.