I recently followed you and I love your profile and your description
I just have a question
How can you be Trans and non-binary at the same time?
I fully support you but I‘m just trying to understand and collect more information on those topics :)
Obviously you don‘t have to answer and I‘m sorry if I somehow offended you so uh
Really just want to understand stuff better
Hello you both! I wanted to add something if you wouldn’t mind :)
Trans can be referred as more than man to woman or woman to man. What Bailey explained is their ways of feeling trans but trans itself is a way of saying ‘different gender from the one I was assigned at birth’. Someone feeling agender, non binary or any other is in their own way trans.
Hope that helps! :]
Hello everyone! I deeply apologize for the lack of updates in my stories, I unfortunately have been dealing with my Crohn's disease, and it has been a struggle lately. Thank you all for your patience.
Finally! Just published another chapter of my Crossmare book "Salvation"! This chapter has to do with cooking, and Nightmare really sucks at cooking. :"D
@Lilac_Arrow Holy shit you're so sweet- ahhh! I'm doing so-so, redoing my Crossmare book chapters, making them even longer! Feel free to check it out if ya want and tell me what you think!
hi thx for following me i'm sorry i have not posted to often i have just been busy. i also animate so that takes up most of my free time if you have any suggestions i'm very happy to hear them.
@Lilac_Arrow You really think so? Thank you! It took me three hours spread apart to draw out and sketch alone, and an hour for the final finish and shading.