I got sick. Yes, you see correctly, I got sick, I have stomach pains, I'm constantly going to the bathroom, my throat hurts and I'm vomiting, honestly it's hard for me to focus on writing chapters at this time and just like I was supposed to upload a chapter to Adaptive PREDATOR this week, it may be delayed like other fanfics. Sorry, it could be food poisoning, gastroenteritis or some other illness, I also feel a little weak and my hands are shaking despite the warmth of the house. Again, sorry.
@BakuTheGuy Don't worry about not being able to write, health is the first priority always, hope you get well soon, take care.
@ Averagememer67 Will do mate, in the meantime you would get something from FNaF Universe after an chapter for Adaptive PREDATOR!
@BakuTheGuy take care of yourself first. Do PEREDTOR when your good again....(don't worry about us we can wait :)