Excuse me if I come across as rude but can you please not use my character/persona without my permission? I'm not trying to be rude at all but if you wanted to use a character of mine, you could have just asked me and I would have gave you a description. Also, can you not use 'SoroSorcerer' as your name? It took me a while to come up with that name and it represents who I am (well, would like to be XD). One more thing and I promise I'll leave you alone. About wanting a part in one of my stories, I currently don't have any parts in one's on Wattpad but I am writing another story in my notes. You won't be one of the main main characters but I'll find some way to put you in if I get the chance to. PM me your character's description and I'll find a way to get him/her in there. Sorry again if I come across as rude or you're offended in any sort of way because sometimes, I tend to come across that way and people don't understand. Well, I bid thy farewell :D
~SoroMC :)