
Hey y'allll! It's been a minute on this app. I'm not sure if anybody would even see this or remember me lol. Basically I deleted the app and just randomly decided to install it again. Honestly I think I've grown out of my wattpad phase  so sad...
          	But I really enjoyed my time on here, I was so outta pocket with some of these comments I left on other people's books I look back and I'm like "Daaamn I was wilding back in the day"  Also thank you guys for supporting me and those of you who are still reading my shitty books lmao.
          	Imagine if I become famous one day and people dig up my Wattpad stash....omg so embarrazzingggg lmao I'm gonna be ✨️qUiRky✨️ celeb of the century-ah and 
          	Well my G's and ABC's this is farewell. Don't cry too much. I'll still be lurking on the app though to read your comments when I need a little energy boost.
          	Thank you for having me Wattpad. Love♥️.
          	Not me acting like a retiring legend


Hey. What’s up?


Nothing much 


@Puppet198463 hey, I'm doing fine
            What about you?


Hey y'allll! It's been a minute on this app. I'm not sure if anybody would even see this or remember me lol. Basically I deleted the app and just randomly decided to install it again. Honestly I think I've grown out of my wattpad phase  so sad...
          But I really enjoyed my time on here, I was so outta pocket with some of these comments I left on other people's books I look back and I'm like "Daaamn I was wilding back in the day"  Also thank you guys for supporting me and those of you who are still reading my shitty books lmao.
          Imagine if I become famous one day and people dig up my Wattpad stash....omg so embarrazzingggg lmao I'm gonna be ✨️qUiRky✨️ celeb of the century-ah and 
          Well my G's and ABC's this is farewell. Don't cry too much. I'll still be lurking on the app though to read your comments when I need a little energy boost.
          Thank you for having me Wattpad. Love♥️.
          Not me acting like a retiring legend


Hey babes it’s been a while and I just wanted to see if ur ok and doing well I miss you bestie 


@Gompachiro_Kamaboko Hii. I'm okay. I just think I'm kinda drifting away from my Wattpad phase, if I can call it that, but I've just been unmotivated lately but hopefully I can get back into it. Love you❤


Hi fellow ARMY! I was wondering if you still continued to write fire force x reader one shots


@Catty218 Hi ARMY. Tbh I'm just very unmotivated nowadays hopefully I find my groove again.


hey just checking in how are you? is ur job getting annoying already/j anyways i hope ur ok 


@Bakurokishima yeah everything is fine except for the fact that I started school but thank you and I hope everything gets easier for you


@Gompachiro_Kamaboko Hii. These make my day so much better. Thank you so much for checking up on me and YES  my job was annoying as hell lmao. I worked at a call centre and I felt anxious to go to work everyday and it wasn't comfortable so I quit. I am applying for new jobs at the moment though. How are you though? Everything alright?


Heyyyy just checking in you've been a bit quiet lol how are you tho bestie? I hope ur ok have a good day ig☺️


@Bakurokishima alright good for you I'm happy for you but take ur time alright ☺️


@Gompachiro_Kamaboko omg thank you for checking on me you made my day. I recently got a job, It's my first job, so I've been really busy lately. I'm just waiting until everything settles down and I get used to my job to start writing again. I promise I'll be back soon


Hey guys. I'm sorry about the scarce updates on the Fire Force Oneshots. I haven't watched it in a while so I kinda forgot the characters personalities and other things to take inspiration from. That being said I'll watch it over to get some ideas to make good stories. Thank you for reading if you made it this far.


Guys hear me out. I know I've been slacking with the updates on my fire force oneshots BUT should I start a Sk8 the infinity oneshots book? Cause I just watched the first episode and I have so many ideas already so let me know if you'd read. Also if you haven't watched it yet give it a try!


Great I'll give it a shot


@Bakurokishima I mean I wouldn't mind tbh