
this message may be offensive
School has me so fucking burnt out and exhausted 


My rant session
          Subject: I'm pretty sure one of my friends doesn't like me anymore
          Possible Reason: Annoying ass people who don't like me
          How do I know this?
          Well, let's begin


@Bakutiddes am I just overthinking, or is something really happening?


I asked my best friend if I was just being paranoid, but then the thing that really made me even more paranoid is when they didn't say happy birthday to me. I get that some people can forget others' birthdays, but when you are on a gc with everyone saying happy birthday to this one person  and you don't say anything until the talk of eurovision is brought up and the convo topic has changed from my birthday to that it made me even more paranoid


@Bakutiddes so Stacy has been talking with these people being friendly, but me and Daniel didn't do anything about it cause you can be friends with anyone you want. We can't control that. But when they look at me now since they've been talking to these people, they look at me with disinterest as if our friendship is fading away and don't want it anymore