
Anyways I feel better, I feel safe posting this  ↓↓↓ | here coz no one will see it, or else I'll cringe a bit for my long rant(ToT)


My last aot rant for now
          Attack on titan is truly one of my favorite shows and stories of all time, like everything about this show makes me entertained, but other than that, it really felt like I grew with the show, ever since 2018, my world was never the same (≧□≦), the story is truly impactful, the characters, their struggles, their determination, literally everything. I somehow hated half the characters due to their actions, but i sympathized with a lot of them after the show ended, like many were just kids who are stuck in a cycle of hate, in another universe they'd all be just friends omg, and eren I hated him too, but then I wished for him to get rid of his hate. Mikasaaaaaa, my girl(ToT), they shouldn't have included the scene of her being dead, that truly made me empty and sad, I just wonder how long these years felt for mikasa, like after eren's death, living in his memory until she grew old  so bittersweet 
          Usually, when something I like ends, I feel sad and empty, but maybe for aot, it affects me more bcz it's been a long journey, and it's one of my fav shows.
          Thank you aot for this journey, it was truly something from wit to mappa(witnessing all the hate they got, was journey by itself too)
          Thank you, isayama.
          And I really like all the Fandom for memes and for making it lovely,
          This date Nov 4, will forever be with me,♡


This makes it seem like im really obsessed with aot(i am), but I don't think there is a need to say goodbye to aot (⌒‐⌒), I just don't like the constant reminder of time passing, whether it's birthdays, new years, holidays, somehow all of them make me happy but sad


@Bal_sherry like I don't know how to move on after that, and I don't want to move on


هل يمكنك التصويت لروايتها بالأخص في البارتات الاخيرة والبارت 100 خاصة

          واذا كان لديك وقت سأسر بتصويتك لباقي بارتاتها، إنها تستحق الدعم.


            شكرراا، اذا لم يكن لديك وقت يكفي تصويتك للبارت 100 فقط