
Anyone up for giving relationship advice? I need to see whether something is a red flag or not.


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@Balance376 no fuck no that is not a red flag. Priorities change after fathering a child, but a man who knows to spoil a child yet not let said child be spoilt is not a bad thing.


@Brrrrrrgoddamnit The information is up above. We ended up talking about it and he says that he should have led with the statement that he would never do that.


@Balance376 as someone who's not been a relationship in 2 years sure


Anyone up for giving relationship advice? I need to see whether something is a red flag or not.


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@Balance376 no fuck no that is not a red flag. Priorities change after fathering a child, but a man who knows to spoil a child yet not let said child be spoilt is not a bad thing.


@Brrrrrrgoddamnit The information is up above. We ended up talking about it and he says that he should have led with the statement that he would never do that.


@Balance376 as someone who's not been a relationship in 2 years sure


Honestly I realized how much I need to go back and change my OC pages after they’ve been revamped. Cracks especially because wow that was cringe and I really don’t want people coming after me for having an OC similar to ijustwannahavefun when I created the OC long before I found their page, along with several other OCs also relating to mirrors I will never be able to post because of it. I am also extremely cautious of posting any new OC’s because they would be seen as the Walmart version of a popular character (especially because right now I am using some Genshin characters as inspiration even if it’s not copy paste) and I am honestly so scared to make any books about my characters because if it.


What is the Iconic Line from your OC’s? I’ll start.
          “Come now, stand and look the monster you made in the eyes.”


@Balance376 “I’m ___, I know stuff.” Swiped from Layla Miller, of course!


@Balance376 "Knowledge is power and ignorance is bliss. I hold the power so that you may live blissfully"
            But also "Omnia scio, omnia rego" which is Latin and means "I know everything, I control everything"
            (This character's main trait currently is his omniscience)


“You ruined my dream of the future,so now I’ll ruin yours.”


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I made my main couple purely for personal therapy reasons and now I wanna normalize non-sexual safe words/phrases. For these two, it would be “It’s just the two of us.” And I tear up and find it so sweet and you know what fuck it I wanna make my OC happy now so I bond them together forever and it will be Just the Two of Them and aiegsubdjsgshsbsbsbbshdhdhdv.


My (twin) OC’s dynamics are: Looks and acts responsible while having an entire list of crimes (Isoropia) and looks like an adventurous trouble maker while being completely innocent (Chaos).
          Aka: “He asked for no pickles” Said the lady about the cowering soldier.


In all honestly, I don’t think Scaramouche is one to curse. He thinks himself above everyone else, and therefore wouldn’t waste such meaningless words on beings below him. He would think of it as stooping down to their level, as well as being undignified and unrefined. Mocking and degrading people can be done without cursing. The doctor on the other hand definitely curses like the college failure he is. Man was expelled from the Academia and you want to tell me that he DOESNT curse like a sailor? Alhathiem does too but much more rare because he needs to keep up appearances. Kaveh does but not as much as everyone thinks. He likes to speak eloquently, especially about his designs, and only curses around Alhathiem.


How would it go if I met my OC?
          I sit there, looking at her with eyes that are so uncaring, yet sympathetic at the same time. “You knew all along,” I take a sip of my tea, “So what will you do now?”
          She smiles, a broken, tired smile. I could feel my heart break as every insecurity, every piece of trauma I dumped on her shows all too clearly. Slowly, she reaches over and hugs me. I am not surprised. I do not shed a tear. I do not hug her back, just a little bit tighter. I do not break down when nonsense comforts, sweet nothings, beautiful static, whatever you wish to call it fall from her lips to my ear. After all, she was a mother too early, and shall be a mother forever. 
          I do not cry as I write this down, knowing I can’t let her be happy. I don’t cry as she tells me she understands. I do not cry as I wonder of if I can give her one small comfort, only for the answer to be “no”. Because that comfort will just be taken, and it will break her over and over again. A small mercy, a necessary tragedy. I watch her slip away again, and turn away the eyes of the rage filled god.


@Your_Friend_Jimmy It actually is! Just remember to wash your face shortly afterwards. The salt gets returned to your skin along with all the excess chemicals you cried out due to strong emotions.


Instagram is too nice. “Hey there kiddo…it’s getting late, I think it’s a good idea to turn the phone off and sleep-Oh! 5 more minutes? Alright, but your gonna have to promise to stop scrolling then…yes, say goodnight to your friends, it’s time to rest…” Like, what did I ever do to deserve this?! This is going in the Apps series. Insta is gonna be a gentle big brother figure.


Stupid autocorrect,


Also I had to rewrite big 5 times before it stopped saying big.