
Okay, a quick update. I'll be working on the FairyTail next, then I'll be working on solo leveling. I will also be redoing my Percy Jackson series, converting it to 3rd person and y/n pov. I will also be dabbling in a few more story's that way if I once again get behind on content I can drop those. That's all, so stay save, God bless and hopefully you all enjoy my content


Okay, a quick update. I'll be working on the FairyTail next, then I'll be working on solo leveling. I will also be redoing my Percy Jackson series, converting it to 3rd person and y/n pov. I will also be dabbling in a few more story's that way if I once again get behind on content I can drop those. That's all, so stay save, God bless and hopefully you all enjoy my content


Okay, I'll keep it short. I haven't posted the past few weeks because of some family things. A member of the family,(distant relative but still friend.) Passed away early January. Then when I was getting back into the desire to write my grandmother fell. She's was already on hospice and this stacks on it. I'm going to get to writing my fairytail zenkai chapter tomorrow then I'll work on the solo leveling one. Thank you for your patience and hopefully I write it quick and well. God bless you all and have a good day.


Okay guys, if you were reading the Percy Jackson book, sorry, but it just disappeared. I didn't delete it and will be reposting it. So I'll have to try to make the fixes from my Google docs to this so its mostly the same.(only small tidbits were made.) Again sorry about all of this.